Next week, tiny Pilgrims and Native Americans, authentically attired, will gather together with the class next door, to share in the annual "Thanksgiving Feast." They will be partaking of the traditional, preschool version of the meal; turkey lunch meat and gravy, along with mashed potatoes and real butter. The butter, of course, will taste especially good. The littles will have made it themselves, by vigorously shaking tiny jars of heavy whipping cream and salt, while complaining with equal vigor, about how tired this activity is making their arms. These are the kinds of moments that I give thanks for each Thanksgiving Day...the moments filled with learning and laughter that I am blessed to enjoy on a regular basis.
While I would love to have everyone share this experience with us, we simply don't have the patience to churn that much butter. To make it up to you though, what follows is the next best thing...a glimpse at what my day is like, by looking at the world through the eyes of a four year old.
The following are the answers I recorded when I asked them... "How to make a Thanksgiving turkey." Enjoy!!